Tuesday, 11 October 2011

UCO Bank IT Officer Date of posting:27 September Eligibility: BCA BE/B.Tech(Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science/Technology) MCA ME/M.Tech(Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science/Technology) Location: Anywhere in India Job Category: Bank, BSc/BCA/BCM, Govt Sector, Others Last Date: 17 October 11 ||UCO Bank IT Officer recruitment details | UCO Bank IT Officer recruitment challan form download || UCO Bank IT Officer application online

IT OfficerDate of posting:27 September

Eligibility: BCA
BE/B.Tech(Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science/Technology)
ME/M.Tech(Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science/Technology)
Location: Anywhere in India
Job Category: Bank, BSc/BCA/BCM, Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 17 October 11
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Job Details
UCO Bank hiring IT Officer

UCO Bank invites applications for the post IT Officer www.freshersworld.com
Sl. No.Post NameQualificationNo. of Post
3.IT OfficerBE/B Tech (4 Year Full Time Degree Course) in Electronics & Tele Communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology from a recognised University/Institution or MCA/DOEACC – B level or Post Graduate in Electronics & Tele Communications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer Science/ Information Technology from a recognised University/Institution Preference will be given to candidates having certification in CISA/CISM/CISCO/OCA/ OCP/CCNA/ITIL. 
Post-Qualification Experience : Proficiency
 in any two or more Operating Systems  – RDBMS with emphasis on Oracle,  – knowledge of JAVA/C++ / COBOL / FOX-PRO  -DEVELOPER-2000 /  VISUAL BASIC /  STUDIO / NET  - NETWORK and Communication.
94 (SC-15,ST-08,OBC-24,OC-01,HI-01,VI-01)

Ag Limit : 21 - 30 years

Scale of Pay: JMGS-I: Rs. 14500-25700
Probation : IT Officers to be appointed in JMGS-I shall be on probation for a period of two years.

Application Fee and Postage Charges (Non-Refundable):
1SC/ STRs.50/- (postage charges only)
2All others including OBCRs.450/- (Application Fees plus postage charges)

Note: Requisite Application fee and Postage Charges should be paid by depositing above mentioned amount, as applicable, in UCO Bank only in Current account no. 01900210008423 maintained in the name of "UCO Bank Specialist Officers Recruitment Project" Candidate must write his/ her name, date of birth and address on the reverse side of the counterfoil of the deposit slip. Payment of Application fee/ Postage by Cash / Cheques / Drafts/ Money Orders etc. will not be accepted. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other selection process.
Selection Process : Written Test followed by Interview

The Written test will be scheduled at the following Centers and the address of the Venue will be advised in the Call Letter:
Centre CodeName of CentreCentre CodeName of Centre
17New Delhi

How to apply

Eligible candidates are required to apply only 'Online' . After Online Registration, the Computer Generated Application Print-Out along with the counterfoil of the fee payment receipt for the requisite amount has to be sent along-with the relevant documents to the following officer in Scale______ In UCO Bank" to the following address: General Manager, Human Resource Management, UCO Bank, Head Office, 1st Floor,  10, B. T. M. Sarani, Kolkata-700 001 (West Bengal) . The Printouts should reach the address mentioned above on or before 21.10.2011 by Ordinary Post. In case of far flung areas the last date for receipt of application printouts will be 01.11.2011. www.freshersworld.com
Important Dates :
Date of Commencement of Application26/09/2011
Date of Closure17/10/2011
Start Date for Fee deposit26/09/2011
Last Date for Fee deposit17/10/2011
Last Date for Reprint01/11/2011

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