Thursday, 18 August 2011

Iinfosys placement paper

51.  John had decided to divide his RS.1000/- for his four children according to their ages. The elder child should be a RS.20/- extra for each than his younger child . What will be the share of Mahesh whois the youngest?[3 marks]
Ans:Rs 220/-.

52. A,B,C,D are four girls who have 1,2,3,4 apples with them respectively.If E have apples equal to his sister,F have twice the apples as his sister,G have thrice the apples than his sister and I have four times the apples than my sister.All together we have 32 apples . A,B,C,D are the sisters of whom and whom?


53. Andy,Brian,Cedric,Dave are architects ,barber, case worker and dentist but not in the order.
      *Architect will have the letter ‘r’ in his name.
      *Atleast one of the person should have coincidence in the first letter of their name and their occupation but not all [eg: andy-architect]
      * Barber and dentist share their name by only one letter
What is the occupation of each person?

Andy – Caseworker
Brian – Barber
Cedric – Architect
Dave – Dentist

54. 4 people identified a criminal and their statements are:
     # A: Eyes was blue ,height was tall and he wore a hat & a vest.
     # B: Eyes was dark , height wa short and he wore a hat & a vest
     # C: Eyes was green ,height  was medium and he wore hat & a tie.
     # D: Eyes was grey ,height was tall and he wore a rain coat and a hat.
Everyone said only one correct identify  other three was untrue . How can be the criminal identified?

A – blue
B – Short
C – tie
D – rc

55. There are 100 bulbs and 100 switches,one switch for each bulb.Initially all the
switches are ON and the bulbs are glowing.Then following actions are
a)The switch numbers divisible by 2 are turned OFF if they are ON ,and turned ON
if they are OFF.
b)The switch numbers divisible by 3 are turned OFF if they are ON ,and turned
ON if they are OFF.
c)The switch numbers divisible by 4 are turned OFF if they are ON ,and turned
ON if they are OFF.
and so on.....till swich numbers divisible by 100...
Find the number of bulbs glowing at the end.(6 marks)

Ans:1 bulb (or) 99 bulbs.

56. 32 marbles are to be distributed.Ann gets 1,Mary gets 2, Rose gets 3 and Lisa
gets 4.John Brown gets as much as his sister.Tim Smith gets 2 times as much as
his sister.Neil Johnson gets 3 times as much as his sister.Sam Paul gets 4 times
as much as his sister.Find the surnames of Ann,Mary,Rose and Lisa.(4 marks)

Ans: 3838.

57. B & C initially speak English but when D joined spanish,they also took up
spanish.The only common language between A, B and E is French.The only common
language between C and E is Italian.Three people speak Portuguese. Most common
language is spanish.One person knows all 5 languages. One person knows 4. One
person knows 3. One person 2. One person 1.
Who speaks what ? (6 marks).


58. Professor Kittredge’s literature seminar includes students with varied tastes
in poetry.All those in the seminar who enjoy the poetry of browing also enjoy
the poetry of eliot.Those who enjoy the poetry of eliot despise the poetry of coleridge.

Some of those who enjoy the poetry of eliot also enjoy the poetry of Auden.
All of those who enjoy the poetry of Coleridge also enjoy the poetry of Donne.
Some of those who enjoy the poetry of Auden also despise the poetry of Coleridge.
All of those who enjoy the poetry of Donne also enjoy the poetry of Frost.

Miss Garfield enjoys the poetry of Donne.Which of the following must be true?
(A)   she may or may not enjoy the poetry of coleridge.(Ans)
(B)   She does not enjoy the poetry of Browing.
(C)   She does not enjoy the poetry of eliot.
(D)   She enjoys the poetry of Coleridge.

Mr.Huxtable enjoys the poetry of Browing.He may also enjoy any of the following
poets except
(A)   Auden.
(B)   Coleridge(Ans)
(C)   Donne
(D)   Eliot
(E)   Frost

Miss Inaguchi enjoys the poetry of Coleridge.Which of the following must be false?
(A)   she does not enjoy the poetry of Auden.
(B)   She enjoys the poetry of Donne.
(C)   She enjoys the poetry of Frost.
(D)   She does not enjoy the poetry of Browning.
(E)   She may enjoy the poetry of Eliot.(Ans)

Based on the information provided,which of the following statements concerning
the members of the seminar must be true?
(A)   All the those who enjoy the poetry of eliot also enjoy the poetry of Browning.
(B)   None of those who despise the poetry of Frost enjoy the poetry of Auden.
(C)   Some of those who enjoy the poetry of Auden despise the poetry of  coleridge.(Ans)
(D)   None of those who enjoy the poetry of Browning despise the poetry of Donne.
(E)   Some of those who enjoys the poetry of Frost despise the poetry of Donne. 

59. A cyclist is cycling in a circular path.he is at some point on the path,at that
point 1/5th of the cyclists infront of him and 5/6th back to him gives the total
number of clyclists participating in the race. What is the total number of cyclists?

60. Two dice are rolled. If the score is calculated as a product of the number
appeared. The score for the second role is six more than that of the 1st roal,
the score for 3rd roll is 6 less than the 2nd roll, the score for 4 th role is 11
more than the 3rd roll, the score on 5th role is five more than the 4th roll. Find
the scores of 1,2,3,4 rolls
Ans: 4,10,4,15,20.

61. Tom has given some stamps to A. He asked A about them. A said " They
were great. B got 3 more than ½ of what she would have got if I kept 3 more
than ½ of what she got.
Tom asked A "How much did u keep?"
A answered "two more than what I gave B".
Find the total no of stamps Tom gave A.?
a=12. b=10

62. There are two barbers both take same time for hair cut and
shave  .If 15 min required for hair cut and 5 min for
shave.what is the possible minimum time if there are three
customer in theire shop for hair cut as well as shave.
Ans: 30 min

63. Two travelers, one with 64 barrels of wine, other with 20 barrels of wine. They don't have enough money to pay duty for the same. First traveler pays 40 francs and gives his 5 barrels, Second traveler gives his 2 barrels but gets 40 francs in exchange. What's value of each barrel, and duty for each barrel?
Ans: Value of each barrel-120 francs, Duty on each-10 francs

64. What is Ann's relation with her husband's mother's only daughter-in-law's sister's husband?
Ans: Brother-in-law

65. Some guy holding a glass of wine in his hand looking around in the room says, "This is same as it was four years ago, how old are your two kids now?" Other guy says "Three now, Pam had one more in the meanwhile." Pam says, "If you multiply their ages, answer is 96 and if you add the ages of first two kids, addition is same as our house number." The first guy says, "You are very smart but that doesn't tell me their ages." Pam says, "It's very simple, just think." What are the ages of three kids?
Ans: 8, 6, 2

66. A motor cyclist participant of a race says "We drove with the speed of 10 miles an hour one way, but while returning because of less traffic we drove on the same route with 15 miles per hour." What was their average speed in the whole journey?
Ans: 12 miles per hour

67. A shopkeeper likes to arrange and rearrange his collection of stamps. He arranges them sometimes in pair, sometimes in bundle of three, sometimes in bundle of fours, occasionally in bundle of fives and sixes. Every time he's left with one stamp in hand after arrangement in bundles. But if he arranges in the bundle of seven, he's not left with any stamp. How many stamps does a shopkeeper have?
Ans: 301

68. Three different types of objects in a bucket. How many times does one need to select object from the bucket to get atleast 3 objects of the same type?
Ans: 7

69. Five people A ,B ,C ,D ,E are related to each other.

Four of them make one true statement each as follows.

(i)  B is my father's brother.       
(ii) E is my mother-in-law.
(iii)C is my son-in-law's brother
(iv)A is my brother's wife.

who made these statemens and what are the relationships among them? ( 8 marks)

(i)   D
(ii)  B
(iii) E
(iv)  C

A - wife of B
B - Son in law of E
C - Brother of B
D- Son of C
E - Mother in law of B

70. Fathers wife is reverse of son`s age . one year
back fathers age was twice of son`s age . what`s the
fathers current age
ans : 73

71. A man asks a weatherman what`s the past five days
temp? he says i didn`t remember but i can say their
product is 12 and all are diff temperatures. what are
the five temperatures?
ans: -2,-1,1,2,3

72. There are 100 men among them 80 have telephones and
70 have cars  and some 75 have houses and 85 have
mobiles.(data is not exact) . what is the minimum
number of men that have all these things.?

73. there ia truck which should reach some place at
11`o clock , if it travels with 30 mph it reaches i
hour before , if it travles with 20 mph it reaches 1
hour late. what is the distance it must be travlled
and what is the speed it must maintain to rech at
exact time?

ans: 120 miles and 24 mph

74. There r 100 nations competing for a world-cup.
The board decided to make Knock-out series.
How many matches to be played for deciding the world champion?
75. There is log weighing 30kgs. The log having twice thickness and twice short as first one will weigh howmuch ??
76. Hour and minutes hand were meeting after every 65 minutes.
Does the clock lose or gain the time and by what amount it will gain or lose per hour?

rs.agarwal pg no 446.... Ans: gains 10   10/23  min in 24 hrs

77. There were 4 boys playing a game in which the person who is the strongest would win. The 4 boys were tom, hank, bill & Joe. Hank could pull bill & Joe with some effort. Hank & bill together could just hold Joe and tom (i.e., neither could pull each other).  But when hank & Joe interchanged their places, bill and Joe could be easily pulled. Who is the strongest?

78. A person while going thro’ a book observed that it had no page numbers. So, he began to mark the page numbers. After he was done with it, he observed that he altogether used 61   3’s. How many pages did the book consist of?

   ANS: 300

      79. Mr. Charlie comes to Mr. Wilson’s office to meet him and exclaims “so, there must be 30 clerks working in your office!”. To this Mr. Wilson replies “Not in the near future. Only if there were twice the number of girls or thrice the number of men, the strength would be 30”. Find the number of clerks presently working.

ANS: 18 CLERKS. (GIRLS: 12, MEN: 6)

80. This was a George summers type question. Given that boys belonging to ‘kubi’ tribe always speak truth and girls always lie. Men belonging to that tribe always speak truth and women are not consistent (they alternately speak truth and false or vice-versa). When I spoke to a child, the reply was “I am a boy”; to this a parent said “the child is not a boy. The child lied.” Who r the child and the parent?

81. Ann, carol, eve are friends .Ann wearing blue if only eve wearing red.Ann and carol can wear red but both not on the same day.Carol and eve can wear blue but  both not on the same day.Find Ann dress color?
Ans: blue

82. There are four persons named jack, brown, and smith, white.
They are sitting in a train in different compartments numbered as 1,2,3,4.
Out of these four, 2 are bank robbers.1 is a black mailer. One is a forger.
Statements given Jack is not a bank robber.
One of the bank robbers sitting in 4th compartment.
White is sitting in third.
Jack is sitting in the compartment no 2
Forger sitting in compartment one.
Smith had worked with one of the bank robber not with the other.
So find who is the forger?
Ans: smith (doubt!!!)(Jack-blackmailer, brown&white-bankrobbers)

83. four family names are given  clark ,flure,miller ,jac… and their members name are given Stacy ,robin,Erica,mandy . but not in order.( u hav to find which frend belongs to which family) Each friend prepares salad using 3 different fruits . they are given apple, cherry, grape, banana., no two friends uses the same combination.
Various conditions are given and 4 ques asked.
1. Robin is not belonging to miller family he used apples.
2. Erica is not a miller not a Clark.
3. Clark family used cherries and grapes but flure used one of these not both.
4. Mandy and miller used apples and cherries

1. Which fruit did Mandy didn't used?
2. What are the fruits used in miller salad?
3. Robin belongs to which family?
4. What r the Common fruits used in robin and Erica salads?
This is slightly tough.(8 marks)

84. There are 15 pole at equal distance if a train moves from 1st pole 10 10th pole in 10 minutes .   How much time it will take to touch 15th pole.
Ans. 15.55 min

85. There is a cube with all faces painted red. If we cut in into 27 pieces with six cuts .

How much cubes will be there

with three sides painted red = 8

With two sides painted red   =  12

with one side painted red =6

with no side painted red.=1

86. two trains of length 1/6 miles are moving toward
each other with a  speed of 60 miles
per hour.aproaching toward each other In how much time
they will cover each other.
ans.10 sec

87. In a  almirah there was 39 blue, 19 red ,10
yellow , 64 black, 26 green ties.
what are the minimum of no ot ties are to be drawnwed
soi that we get the two ties of same colours.

ans. 6

88. A family i know has several children. Each boy in this family has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters.
How many brothers and sisters are there?
Ans: brothers =4 , sisters = 3

89. In a soap company  a soap is manufactured with 11 parts.  For making one soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the  end of the day u have 250 such scraps. From that how many   soaps can be manufactured?
Ans : 24

90. 4. A girl took part in a (some) game with many others in a circular closed circuit. After pedaling for several minutes, he found that 1/3th of the cyclists ahead of her and 3/4th of the cyclists behind him together formed the total no. of participants. How many were participating in the race?

Ans:13.(2004- feb)

91. OF all pets i have, except 2 all are rabbits
    OF all pets i have, except 2 all are fish
    OF all pets i have, except 2 all are cats
How many rabbits, fish and cats are there?
Ans: r-1 c-1 f-1

92. Out of 30 questions, the three persons A,B & C answered 45 correct answers,
    B answered 55% of A, B and C together answered 25 % more of what A answered.
    Find how many answers each answered?
    Ans : A - 20 B - 11 C – 14

93. there r some bees in a garden..1/5th of them went to a particular
flower,1/3rd went to another flower,3 times the difference of the above
two went to third flower..n one was remaining n it was roaming many bees were there?  (3 marks)

94. 7)  X Y Z             X Y Z
      A B +             A B -
------------       ------------- 
  C D E F             B G A
find X,Y,Z,G

Ans:                 945                                     
                       + 78

                        - 78

95. A women buys some shoestrips n then 4 times of that she buys packet
pins n then 8 times of shoestrips she buys handkerchiefs..n she has a
bill of Rs3.24..n she pays for each article as many paise as there r
articles(of tht particular item).Now whats the number of handkerchiefs?
(3 marks)

96. There were 2 systems A n B.14 degrees in A is equivalent to 36 in
system B.and 133 in A is equivalent to 87 in what is the
temperature where they both r equal?
(4 marks)
Ans:51.25 (conversion A=(7/3)B-70)

97. Put one digit before 15 and one digit after 15 and find out how many such numbers are divisible by 15. 3 marks
Ans: 5

98. 9 cards are there. u have to arrange them in a 3*3 matrix.
cards are of 4 colors. they are red, yellow, blue, green.
conditions for arrangement: one red card must be in first row
or second row.2 green cards should be in 3rd column. Yellow
cards must be in the 3 corners only. Two blue cards must be in
the 2nd row. Atleast one green card in each row.
Yello Red Gren
Blu Blu Gren
Yello Gren Yello

99. No. of animals is 11 more than the no. of birds. If the
no. of birds were the no. of animals and no. of animals
were the no. of birds( ie., interchanging no.s of animals
and birds.), the total no. of legs get reduced by one fifth
(1/5). How many no. of birds and animals were there?
ans: birds:11,animals:22

100. There is a 5digit no. 3 pairs of sum is eleven each.
Last digit is 3 times the first one.
3 rd digit is 3 less than the second.
4 th digit is 4 more than the second one.
Find the digit. ans : 25296.

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