1) Find the value of X,Y and Z in the following
Ans:X=9 , Y=1; Z=8
2) A man starts walking at 3 pm . ha walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of 3 km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm. What is the distance covered on one way?
Ans: 12 km
3) A grandma has many sons; each son has as many sons as his brothers. What is her age if it’s the product of the no: of her sons and grandsons plus no: of her sons?(age b/w 70 and 100).
Ans: 81 (I think)
4) An electric wire runs for 1 km b/w some no: of poles. If one pole is removed the distance b/w each pole increases by 1 2/6 (mixed fraction). How many poles were there initially?
5) There is a church tower 150 feet tall and another catholic tower at a distance of 350 feet from it which is 200 feet tall. There is one each bird sitting on top of both the towers. They fly at a constant speed and time to reach a grain in b/w the towers at the same time. At what distance from the church is the grain?
Ans: 90 (I think)
6) Days Cows
40 40
60 30
X 20
Find the no: of days ie X.
7) Puzzle on color and cards.
8) Puzzle on languages and people.
9) Find out a five digit no: which has two prime nos: and , its highest digit is 3 and lowest digit is 2 bla bla bla………………..
10) Some question on truth and lie ….. I don’t remember the question but I think Andrew was the ans.
1. There is a circle race going on. One of them says,”1/3 of those in front of me and ¾ of those behind me, give the total number of children in the race”. Then the number of children took part in the race?
Ans : 12
2. In an Isalnd the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to whether a salesman beside him in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or visitor. He replied that she says “she is a visitor”. Whether the salesman is a native or visitor?
Ans : Visitor ( not sure )
3.A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr.X, X asked him to meet two days after the day before the after tomorrow. Today is Friday. Whats the appointed day.
Ans: Tuesday.
4. A jewel problem, with some conditions and it is quite easy to solve.
5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman four years back.when he was half of his age. What is his age.
Ans: 86
6.Jack,Droug and Ann, 3 children had a race when returning from school. Ann takes 28 steps when Droug takes 24 steps, meantime Jack takes 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug’s 7 steps and Ann’s 8 steps. Who won the race?
Ans: Droug
7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 Kmph.
One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and meets the car 5km before the
Station. What is the speed of the car?
Ans: 60 kmph
8. A problem of persons and profession. Quite easy one.
9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece’s cost. She totally spent Rs. 3.24. How many handkerchiefs did she buy?
Ans : 16
10. Complete the series :
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___
Ans : a) 73
b) 1 or -1
Ans : 12
2. In an Isalnd the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to whether a salesman beside him in a bar is a native or visitor. He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or visitor. He replied that she says “she is a visitor”. Whether the salesman is a native or visitor?
Ans : Visitor ( not sure )
3.A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr.X, X asked him to meet two days after the day before the after tomorrow. Today is Friday. Whats the appointed day.
Ans: Tuesday.
4. A jewel problem, with some conditions and it is quite easy to solve.
5.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman four years back.when he was half of his age. What is his age.
Ans: 86
6.Jack,Droug and Ann, 3 children had a race when returning from school. Ann takes 28 steps when Droug takes 24 steps, meantime Jack takes 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug’s 7 steps and Ann’s 8 steps. Who won the race?
Ans: Droug
7. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 Kmph.
One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and meets the car 5km before the
Station. What is the speed of the car?
Ans: 60 kmph
8. A problem of persons and profession. Quite easy one.
9.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece’s cost. She totally spent Rs. 3.24. How many handkerchiefs did she buy?
Ans : 16
10. Complete the series :
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___
Ans : a) 73
b) 1 or -1
1. At some diamond shop ,a burglary happened. Police got hold of 3 suspects named Robbert,Davis and Andy. each one of them pointed the other for the robbery.Robbert said “one of the other 2 has done it. I have not done that.” Latter police came to know that robber was telling lies. Tell who did that. (3 marks)
ANS statement of Robert” one of the other 2 has done it. I have not done that.” As it is given that he was telling lies so “I have not done” is false.hance rebert did that.
Q 2.There was a person who smoked a lot .One day he decided to quit his habbit,but he had 27 cigarettes with him.So he satarted smoking them one by one ,to finish them. He had the habit of smoking only 2/3rd of it and leaving the rest butt.latter he found out that by joining 3 butts he can form 1 cigarette.So ,tell haw many cigarettes in all he smoked.
ANS from 3 butts he get 1 cigarette.Hence from 27 butts he get 9 (27/3) cigarettes.
3 butts give way 1 cigarette
Q 3. one day a person wanted to meet a lawyer, but lawyer was busy,so he told the man to meet him 2 days after the day before the day after tomorrow .Tell what the day is ,if today is Friday.
Ans day after tomorrow-Sunday
The day before day after tomorrow-Saturday
2 days after Saturday=Monday
Q 4 Tell a 5 digit number which satisfies:
• It has 2 prime numbers.
• The 3rd digit is largest.
• The 2nd digit is smallest.
• The 1st digit is greater than the sum of 4th and 5th digits.
• The 5th digit is between 2nd and 1st digit and is half of 4th digit.
Find the number. (6 marks)
Q 5 in an office there are 5 people named miss aimes, miss benns, mr colonoy, mr Davis and mr Paul.And the 5 posts are floorwalker, manager, clerk, cashier and buyer .Find who is who,if:
• 2 of these were roommates in college (Don’t remember the names).
• The buyer is a bachelor.
• Mrs colonoy was angry when her husband told her that the manager refused for give him promotion.
• Davis was the best man when the clerk and cashier got married.
• Aimes and paul had the business relations only. (8 marks)
Q 6 There are some students in a school.The 1/2 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/6 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/5 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/7 of number of students is a whole number.Find the number of students.(SOMETHING THIS TYPE. FIGURES ARE NOT SAME .)
Q 7 Complete the series:
• 1,2,3,5,16,_
• 1,2,3 (I don’t remember). (6 marks)
Q 8It was something that 2 trains are going in opp direction.time was given and we have to find out how many number of trains will meet train ‘A’ before reaching its destination.
Q 9 sorry, I don’t remember
Q 10 4 cards r placed on a table,each card has 2 colors.U don’t know the color of the back sideof each card.4 persons A,B,C,D r there and they can see the top color of their cards as Red, Green,Red,Blue.No card can have same color on both its sides.all the 4 see thee back color of their cards and say:
A: yellow/Green.
B:neither blue nor green
Out of these 2 tells truth and two tells lie.tell the color of the backside of each card. (8 marks).
ANS statement of Robert” one of the other 2 has done it. I have not done that.” As it is given that he was telling lies so “I have not done” is false.hance rebert did that.
Q 2.There was a person who smoked a lot .One day he decided to quit his habbit,but he had 27 cigarettes with him.So he satarted smoking them one by one ,to finish them. He had the habit of smoking only 2/3rd of it and leaving the rest butt.latter he found out that by joining 3 butts he can form 1 cigarette.So ,tell haw many cigarettes in all he smoked.
ANS from 3 butts he get 1 cigarette.Hence from 27 butts he get 9 (27/3) cigarettes.
3 butts give way 1 cigarette
Q 3. one day a person wanted to meet a lawyer, but lawyer was busy,so he told the man to meet him 2 days after the day before the day after tomorrow .Tell what the day is ,if today is Friday.
Ans day after tomorrow-Sunday
The day before day after tomorrow-Saturday
2 days after Saturday=Monday
Q 4 Tell a 5 digit number which satisfies:
• It has 2 prime numbers.
• The 3rd digit is largest.
• The 2nd digit is smallest.
• The 1st digit is greater than the sum of 4th and 5th digits.
• The 5th digit is between 2nd and 1st digit and is half of 4th digit.
Find the number. (6 marks)
Q 5 in an office there are 5 people named miss aimes, miss benns, mr colonoy, mr Davis and mr Paul.And the 5 posts are floorwalker, manager, clerk, cashier and buyer .Find who is who,if:
• 2 of these were roommates in college (Don’t remember the names).
• The buyer is a bachelor.
• Mrs colonoy was angry when her husband told her that the manager refused for give him promotion.
• Davis was the best man when the clerk and cashier got married.
• Aimes and paul had the business relations only. (8 marks)
Q 6 There are some students in a school.The 1/2 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/6 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/5 of number of students is a whole number. The 1/7 of number of students is a whole number.Find the number of students.(SOMETHING THIS TYPE. FIGURES ARE NOT SAME .)
Q 7 Complete the series:
• 1,2,3,5,16,_
• 1,2,3 (I don’t remember). (6 marks)
Q 8It was something that 2 trains are going in opp direction.time was given and we have to find out how many number of trains will meet train ‘A’ before reaching its destination.
Q 9 sorry, I don’t remember
Q 10 4 cards r placed on a table,each card has 2 colors.U don’t know the color of the back sideof each card.4 persons A,B,C,D r there and they can see the top color of their cards as Red, Green,Red,Blue.No card can have same color on both its sides.all the 4 see thee back color of their cards and say:
A: yellow/Green.
B:neither blue nor green
Out of these 2 tells truth and two tells lie.tell the color of the backside of each card. (8 marks).
1. there is a cycle race going on and 1/5th of the total in front a person and 5/6th of the total behind that person gives up the total number of participants. total how many participants r there? (3 marks) a:31 2. a person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the before day of the day after tomorrow? on which day the lawyer asks the person to come? a: thursday 3. a person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born? a: 470 4. a man enquires a person about the past 5 days temperatures in the 12 noon in that region. but the other says that he dont remember the actual figures but there is different temperature on each day and that their multiplication gives 12. assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the temeratures on the five days? (5 marks) a: 1,-1,2,-2,3 ( i think this one is correct but please check it out) 5. a cube is painted red and it is divided into 27 equal cubes then how many cubes r there which 3,2,1,0 sides painted red. a:8,12,6,1 6.a person says that their speed while going to a city was 10mph however while returning as there is no much traffic they came with a speed of 15mph what is their average speed? a: 12mph 7. there is a peculiar island where a man always tells truth and a women never says two 2 consequtive truth or false statements that is if she says truth statement then she says false statement next and vice versa. a boy and girl also goes in the same way. one day i asked a child " what r u a boy or a girl" howver the child replied in their language that i dint understand but the parents knew my language and one parent replied that " kibi is a boy" the other one said that "no kibi is a girl, kibi lied"(8 marks) a: is kibi a boy or a girl b: who ansered first mother or father? ans: kibi is a girl and mother answered first.( i think its correct but check it out) 8. there is a couple and they have many children. 7 of them dont eat aloo 5 ot them dont eat carrot 6 of them dont eat beans. 4 of them dont eat neither aloo or carrot 2 of them eat neither aloo or beans 3 of them dont eat neither carrot or beans. and 1 dont eat neither alo, carrot or beans total how many children r there? a: 8 9. there r three tribes in a village sororean tribe always tell the truth nororean always lie and mororean however truth and false statements alternately however his first statement is uncertain three persons A B C replies in the following way A: 1. i am soroean 2. B is not mororean B: 1. i am mororean( not exactly in this order i dont remeber correctly) but answer is A: mororean B: nororean C: sororean 10. this one is the sixth question i dont remeber this one but a easy one regarding the flight coming late had it been 6 hours late ... we would have been waiting for only ....(sorry i dont remeber) a: 4pm english paper was for 30 min and a very easy paper no need of any preperation for that. ) There was a cycle race going on. 1/5th of the those in front of a person and 5/6th of those behind him gives the total number of participants. How many people took part in the race? (3 marks) Ans : 31 Approach: Let the total number of participants be X So, [(x-1)/5 + 5(x-1)/6] = X 2) Today is Saturday. A person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the before day of the day after tomorrow? On which day the lawyer asks the person to come? Ans: Wednesday Approach: Today=Saturday Day after tomorrow=Monday Day before day after tomorrow=Sunday Three days after the day before the day after tomorrow=Wednesday 3) A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born? Ans: 570 BC Approach: Since the age gets decreased with the years, the years should definitely be in BC and hence u should increment the years as u decrease the age. Therefore if he is 70 years old in 500BC, he would have born on 570 BC!! 4) A man enquires a person about the past 5 days temperatures at 12 noon in that region. The other replies that he doesn’t remember the actual figures but there was a different temperature on each day and that their product gives 12. Assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the temperatures on the five days? Ans: -1,-2,1,2,3 Approach: We know that the smallest two integers that can give a product of 12 is 3*4 which is spilt up as 2*2*3. But no temperature is the same…hence use -2 instead of 2. Now the product becomes -12. Choose the other temperatures such that value of the product does not change but only the sign changes. So naturally, the other two options are -1 and 1. 5) A cube is painted. It is cut into 27 cubes with three straight lines. Find the number of cubes with a. 3 sides painted b. 2 sides painted c. 1 side painted d. no painted sides Ans: a. 8 (4 corner cubes + 4 corner cubes) b. 12 (center cubes at each EDGE) c. 6 (center cubes at each FACE) d. 1 (cube at the center of the original cube) Approach Draw a cube (with front, top and side faces, dont draw the inner lines. that'll confuse) cut it into 27 cubes. thats done by drawing 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines on the front face of the cube. extend those lines along the other two faces. then COUNT accordingly. 6) A person travels at a speed of 10 mph from one city to another. However while returning as there was not much traffic. He came with a speed of 15mph. what is his average speed? Ans: 12 mph Approach: Let the distance be X Distance/ Time=Speed Time taken for forward journey=X/10 Time taken for return journey=X/15 Total time for to and fro journey T =[(X/10)+(X/15)] Total distance covered D=2X Hence, average speed= D/T = 12mph 7) There is a peculiar island where people speak a strange language called ‘Kubi’.The men always speak truth and a women never say two 2 consecutive truth or false statements, that is, if she says truth statement once then she says false statement next and vice versa. The boys and girls always lie. One day I asked a child “Are you a boy or girl ?" and the child replied in Kubi. Since I didn’t know the language, I asked the child’s parents what it means. One of the parents said “The child says,”I am a boy”” and the other said that "The child is a girl. He lied". a) Is the child a boy or a girl b) Which parent answered first? Ans: The child is a girl and father answered first. Approach: Take the statement “The child is a girl. He lied". If ‘He lied’ is true, then the child is a girl is a false. Likewise, is ‘He lied’ is false, then the child is a girl is true => The second statement was given by the child’s mother and hence the father answered first. Take the statement “The child says,”I am a boy”. Since the father always speak the truth, the child should have said that he was a boy. But then the child lies, so he cannot be a boy => the child was a girl. (Confused? Try reasoning it out yourself, u’ll understand the logic) ![]() Ans: 9 children Approach: 4 of them don’t eat spinach or carrot => 4 of them eat beans alone. 2 of them don’t eat spinach or beans => 2 of them eat carrots alone. 3 of then don’t eat carrot or beans =>3 of them eat spinach alone. Total children=4+2+3=9 (If some other reasoning approach was chosen, the remaining three statements could be used. But this one is simple and I am sure that the answer is right. Try out the other approaches anyway) 9) There are three tribes in a village. The Sorobean always speaks the truth. The Narobean always lies and the Midorean speaks truth and false alternatively. From the following statements, find out who belongs to which tribe. A: I am a Sorobean B is a Narobean B: I am a Sorobean C is a Midorean C: I am a Sorobean A is a Midorean Ans: A –Midorean, B-Narobean, C-Sorobean Approach: Simple ! Assume one as Sorobean and try to satisfy the conditions. All the above statement get satisfied only for the above answer. I think the statements that I have given are right…am sorry if its wrong but the answer to this puzzle in the Infy paper is the one that I have given above. 10) A flight is scheduled to depart at 12 midnight. A family arrived at the airport 10 hours late and missed the flight. If they had arrived 4 hours earlier, they would have reached the airport 2 hours earlier to the departure of the flight. (Something like that…not sure of the values). What is the present time ? Ans: 4PM Approach: Let the present time be X If they r 4 hours early, they arrive at airport at X+(10-4)=X-6. The train leaves at 12 midnight => total duration from morning 12am 10 12 midnight=24 hours. x-6 is 2 hours earlier to 12Pm =>24-(x-6)=2 X=16 hours=4PM |
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